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Winter Car Wrap Care Tips

Winter can be a difficult season for car wraps due to snow, ice, sand, salt, and other substances. Without proper care, your vinyl vehicle wrap could start to fade or suffer other forms of damage throughout the season. As a leading provider of comprehensive wrap services for personal and work vehicles, the team at Wrap Guys America knows that proper care can greatly extend the life of your wrap. That is why we have put together a list of winter car wrap care tips to help you minimize the chance of damage during winter and ensure lasting appeal for years to come.

Winter Wrap Care Tips


Learn how to care for your matte car wrap.

4 Ways to Protect Your Wrap in Winter

To protect your vinyl wrap throughout winter, keep the following tips in mind:

1. Keep Your Wrap Clean

High volumes of rain and snow fall during winter, leaving dirt and other deposits on your wrap. To minimize the risk of damage over time, you will need to clean your vehicle wrap every two weeks with soap and warm water. Failure to remove these deposits in a timely manner can result in various forms of damage, especially if dirt gets under the surface in between sections. While regular cleaning is crucial, be sure to avoid washing your car in freezing conditions as this will cause ice to form on your vehicle and driveway.

2. Clear off Snow Before it Turns to Ice

While clearing snow from your vehicle can be an inconvenience, it is a crucial task for car wrap care. Snow that is left on the surface of your vehicle may turn to ice overnight, especially if freezing rain occurs. This ice can then stick to the vinyl and become extremely difficult to remove without damaging your wrap. If any snow starts to build up on your vehicle, be sure to brush it off as soon as possible.

3. Avoid Ice Scrapers

While scrapers are great for removing ice from your windows, they should never be used on a vinyl wrap as they can puncture it or cause it to start peeling. If you need to remove ice from the surface of your vehicle, a soft brush is often the best option. While this tool will require a bit more time and effort, using it will drastically reduce the risk of wrap damage.

4. Be Conscious of Salt and Sand

Driving in snowy conditions often means driving through road salt and sand. These substances can get stuck to your vehicle’s wheels, wheel wheels, and undercarriage, potentially damaging vital components. If salt lands on your vinyl wrap, it can quickly start to corrode it and leave lasting damage. Once your vehicle is safely parked, use a soft brush to remove all substances from the surface of your vehicle.

To learn more about protecting your vinyl wrap and effective maintenance techniques, get in touch with the experts at Wrap Guys America. Our team can be reached through our online contact form and will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our services.

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