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Elements to Consider for Your Food Truck Wrap

Category: Food Truck Wraps

Food trucks are a common sight in cities around the world. While this is great for consumers, this can make it extremely difficult for food truck owners to stand out amongst their competitors. If you are looking for a way to increase the appeal and visibility of your truck, a custom vinyl wrap is the perfect solution. To ensure optimal advertising and brand-building results, there are several important elements to consider for your food truck wrap before you finalize the design and have it installed. That is why the experts at Wrap Guys America have put together some information on each of these considerations to help you create the perfect wrap for your wants and needs.

Food Truck Wrap

Learn why you should always have your wrap installed by a professional.

4 Important Elements to Keep in Mind for Your Food Truck Wrap

To ensure optimal advertising results, functionality, and appeal for your food truck wrap, you will need to keep the following considerations in mind:

1. Your Customers

Your wrap should be instantly appealing and noticeable to potential customers above all else. The goal is to create a design that evokes feelings of curiosity, urgency, and hunger in viewers. While this is not always easy to do, a professional can help you create a design that is tailored to your target audience and increase the number of customers you get every day. For example, if you primarily operate downtown to cater to office workers on their lunch, you could create a design that highlights how your food is great for busy professionals and those on the go.

2. Appearance in Every Environment

Your food truck wrap will look significantly different based on current lighting conditions, weather, and viewing angles. For example, your wrap will likely look more vibrant on a warm and bright summer day than a cold and dreary winter day. When creating your wrap, it is important to consider how to make all colors and text pop regardless of lighting and weather conditions.

3. Your Branding

Everything from the shape and size of your logo to the colors you use for your branding will affect the final design of your food truck wrap. That is why it is crucial to think of a design that works with your branding. If you have orange and red in your branding, it typically does not make sense to opt for a wrap color that clashes with these colors. By considering your brand standards, you can create a seamless design that is clean and cohesive, making it easy for customers to see what your truck is all about at a glance.

4. Service Windows, Vents, and Other Openings

When creating your food truck wrap design, it is crucial to avoid placing any important information or design elements over service windows, vents, doors, or other moving elements. This information can become cluttered, covered, or jumbled with other information once your window or door is open, making it more difficult for viewers to understand contact information or other text.

To learn more about our food truck wrap design and installation services, get in touch with the team at Wrap Guys America. We can be reached through our online contact form and will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your food truck wrap.

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